Friday, September 28, 2012

Spanish Stress Test Results

Here are the results of the stress test conducted on Spanish banks, as per the FT.

Seven banks failed and seven passed.

The shortfall comes in at under Euro60BN which, bizarrely, Juncker finds comforting!

Here is the reaction of the European Commission:
"The European Commission welcomes today’s publication by the Spanish authorities of the results of the independent valuation of Spanish banks. This is a major step in implementing the financial-assistance programme and towards strengthening the viability of and confidence in the Spanish banking sector.

In line with the Memorandum of Understanding governing the financial-sector programme for Spain, an external consultant conducted over the past few months a stringent bank-by-bank (bottom-up) stress test and a thorough asset quality review. The European Commission was closely involved in this process, as were the ECB, the EBA and the IMF.

The capital needs for individual banks disclosed today are a key step in the process of restoring and strengthening the soundness of the Spanish banks. They will form the basis for the eventual recapitalisation of banks with the help of the programme. The necessary State aid provided to Spanish banks will be determined in the coming months. It will be based on today's published results. It will also reflect measures to be taken by the banks, such as the disposal of assets, other restructuring measures and tapping funding markets, and subordinated liability exercises. In addition, the capital shortfall of credit institutions receiving public funds will be adjusted as a consequence of the transfer of assets to the Asset Management Company.

Banks with a capital shortfall will present recapitalisation plans. Upon approval of these recapitalisation plans by the Bank of Spain and the European Commission, banks requiring state aid will present restructuring or orderly resolution plans to the Spanish authorities, which will notify these to the European Commission for approval under EU state aid rules. Upon approval of these restructuring and/or orderly resolution plans, the recapitalisation of a first group of banks is scheduled to occur by November. "